
It applies the > Imprint of the TU Dresden with the following changes:

Contact Person

Technische Universität Dresden
Professur für Adaptive Dynamische Systeme
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Diana Göhringer
01062 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351 463-35750
E-Mail: diana.goehringer(at)​

Data Protection Declaration

Provider Identification Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 463-39625
Fax: +49 351 463-37284

TU Dresden’s internet presence consists of the university institutions’ various websites. This includes the individual faculties, centres, central units and administrative units. The editorial responsibility for the web pages’ content lies with the institutions or persons who have created the page and who are named as authors at the bottom of each page. Should you have any questions regarding the content of the particular pages, please contact the listed author.

The legal basis for this is Section §6 para.1 lit. f GDPR.

Rights of the data subjects

  • You have the right to obtain information from TU Dresden about the data stored about your person and/or to have incorrectly stored data corrected.
  • You have the right to erasure or restriction of the processing and/or a right to object to the processing.
  • You can contact TU Dresden’s Data Protection Officer at any time:
    Tel.: +49 351 463 32839
    Fax: +49 351 463 39718
    E-Mail: informationssicherheit(at)
  • You also have the right to complain to a supervisory authority if you are concerned that the processing of your personal data is an infringement of the law. The competent supervisory authority for data protection is:
  • Saxon Data Protection Commissioner
    PO Box 11 01 32
    01330 Dresden
    Tel.: +49 351 85471 101
    Fax: +49 351 85471 109
    E-Mail: saechsdsb(at)

For more information, please see the > data protection declaration of the Technische Universität Dresden.